Supporting young

Our aim is to ensure young people have an active role in shaping their future and that of their peers.

About Us

Since we launched LMYF in 2005 our aim has been to empower and support young Muslims, and non-Muslims, so that they can become advocates for, and positive ambassadors of, their local communities in Leeds.

By harnessing their talent and passion we train them to become confident public speakers, and upstanding members of society.

Being one of our youth ambassadors helps young people in Leeds think positively about their future. Together, they’re committed to making life better for themselves and others.

Youth Ambassadors

We strongly believe that change is better when it comes from within the community, which is why we work with young people to represent the LMYF across a wide range of partners, policy-making forums and decision-making arenas.

We train them to be better communicators so their voice is heard, and give them the necessary tools to become pioneers and spokespeople for their local community.

I use my talent…to make life better for myself and for others.

Nidha, LMYF Youth Ambassador

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